Masking of quantum information spreads it over nonlocal correlations and hides it from the subsystems.It is known that no operation can simultaneously mask all pure states, so in what sense is quantum information masking useful? Here, we extend the definition of quantum information masking to general mixed states, and show that the resource of maskable quantum states is far more abundant than the no-go theorem seemingly suggests. Geometrically, the simultaneously maskable states lays on hyperdisks in the state hypersphere, and strictly contains the broadcastable states.We devise a photonic quantum information masking machine using time-correlated photons to experimentally investigate the properties of qubit masking, and demonstrate the transfer of quantum information intobipartite correlations and its faithful retrieval.
李波,浙大城市学院教授,2011年毕业于首都师范大学数学科学学院。2011-2013年中国科学院物理研究所博士后。2012 年,访学新加坡国立大学量子技术中心( CQT), 2017.7-2018.7 访问德国马普数学研究所。在PRL、PRA、science China等SCI杂志发表文章40 篇,他引 600 多次,主持国家自然基金项目3项(面、青、地)、主持完成省自然基金项目 1 项、省科技落地项目 1 项。研究成果获省自然科学奖一项(排名一)。主要从事量子信息相关方面研究工作,当前研究兴趣主要是量子信息掩蔽、量子失谐、量子纠缠单配性、量子态局域区分等课题。
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